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Texas Medical Rangers Information
May 2004 News & Notes
Newsletter Outline

Save the Date!
TMR Information/Induction Session ~ Tuesday 11 May, 1700 - 1800, Room 409L (Medical School Building) UTHSCSA.

Chief-of-Staff Update
To All Members - Our AmeriCorps staff will be preparing our TMR newsletter. We will use information from our monthly staff meeting (see below and attached) and any additional items that you would like to submit. Please look at the highlights from the last meeting and send input to Jeff Hengel, Technical Writing Specialist, AmeriCorps Staff, at hengel@uthscsa.edu. I will get to edit prior to our next staff meeting, Tuesday, 4 May, 0630 and you will have a copy. Please remember that the benefit of this newsletter (which should be posted each month on our TMR website) is to keep all the TMR membership informed as to what is going on with the TMRs. Your input is encouraged.

Joe P. Gonzales
Deputy Chief of Staff, TMR

G-1 Adjutant

1. Next TMR Information/Induction Session
The next TMR Information/Induction Session is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 May, 1700-1800. The session will take place in Room 409L (Medical School Building) UTHSCSA.

2. Welcome New TMR Inductees - Ms. Maria Person and Mr. Roger Baker
Maria Person: Ms. Maria Person is appointed as a Captain and as a Public Information Writer with the Alamo Medical Response Group. She also serves as a Communications Specialist with AmeriCorps. Ms. Person served with several Army medical units, ending her tour of duty in 1998 at Brook Army Medical Center. DOR: 13 Mar 2004

Roger Baker: Mr. Roger Baker is appointed as a Captain and as the State Chaplain for the Medical Reserve Corps. He is the Senior Pastor for the First United Methodist Church in Bracketville. He also has prior military experience in both the Army and Air Force. DOR: 13 Mar 2004

G-2/3 Operations and Training

1. Training Calendar Available On-Line
A semi-annual TMR training calendar is posted to the TMR SECURE web page - check the calendar regularly since changes will be posted as needed.

Go to: http://www. texasmedicalrangers.com/secure/index.html (LOGIN ID and PASSWORD needed). First, click on TMR Training Notes. Then, click on Training Calendar.

G-4 Supply and Logistics

1. TMR Members to Wear U.S. Flag Patch
TMR has placed a purchase order for right sleeve U.S. Flag patches for each member. They will be issued once they are received. Specific direction on placement will be given on the TMR web page before they are issued.

2. BDUs Soon-To-Be Available for Unit Use
Used BDUs have been made available for TMR units to issue. Planning is underway to pick up, evaluate for serviceability, sort, launder, and inventory. A storage location has not yet been identified.

Feature Article 1: Historic 36th Infantry Division of the Texas National Guard Reactivated

The original article title, Storied combat division going back on duty written by Sig Christenson, Express-News Military Writer, appeared in the Tuesday, April 27 edition of the San Antonio Express-News.


The 36th Infantry Division of the Texas National Guard, otherwise known as the "Fighting 36th," will be reactivated beginning May 1, 2004 to be ready to support U.S. military forces in the global war against terrorism as part of a larger Army restructuring effort. A ceremony making it official is set for October 2. The ceremony will likely be held at the Texas Military Forces headquarters at Camp Mabry.

The 36th division was originally formed in 1917 and consisted of units from the Oklahoma and Texas National Guards. The division was known by its distinctive patch featuring an olive drab ìTî (for Texas) and an infantry blue flint arrowhead (to pay homage to Oklahoma). By the time it was mobilized in 1940, it was an all-Texan, active-duty division.

The division was deactivated over 35 years ago, but prior to that has had an interesting history dating back to both World Wars. For example, it was the first American combat division to land on the mainland of Europe and saw action in Italy, France, Germany and Austria. Among their historic accomplishments, division members captured thousands of enemy soldiers and netted 14 Medals of Honor in World War II and 12,685 Purple Hearts.

Currently, there are 650 soldiers from the Texas National Guard in Iraq. By reactivating the 36th Infantry Division, the guard is continuing to play a significant role in the new Army.

Feature Article 2: Government Reform Committee to Examine National Guard Responsibilities and Readiness

Article can be found on the Committee on Government Reform website: http://reform.house.gov/GovReform/News/DocumentSingle. aspx?DocumentID=3509. Also see Statement by Major General Wayne D. Marty, Adjutant General of Texas, to the House Committee on Government Reform, 29 April, 2004 (download attached .pdf).

Following are excerpts from Major General Wayne D. Marty's statement:

EXCERPT ONE (of attached), Page 1, Introductory Remarks
"I am pleased to have this opportunity to discuss the transformation of the Texas Military Forces. The Texas Military Forces, including the Adjutant General's Department, Texas National Guard, and the Texas State Guard, are a diverse team of 21,000 Federal and State personnel in 106 installations stationed in or near 86 cities and towns across Texas. The reason the Texas Military Forces exist is to ìprovide mission-ready forces, responsive to community, State and nation.î These assets represent a system of capabilities of direct and profound relevance not only to the citizens of Texas and the other 53 states and territories, but also, as we have demonstrated in recent years, to freedom-loving peoples throughout the world."

EXCERPT TWO (of attached), Page 4, Paragraph 3
"Fourthly, we are transforming the Texas State Guard, a voluntary auxiliary to the Texas Army and Air National Guard, into a robust, trained joint force of volunteer specialists focused on homeland security, including a Medical Reserve Corps to augment the medical infrastructure in Texas in response to public health emergencies and terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction."

TMR Leadership Staff Meeting Minutes

Meeting was held 0630, Tuesday, 6 Apr 2004

  1. The TMR staff met in RM 255A, UTHSCSA, near the AMERICORPS offices to provide updates and to receive guidance from the CG.

  2. MG Timboe introduced BG Marshall Scantlin as the TMRs new Deputy CG (DCG). Gen Timboe explained that as the TMR Groups were established throughout the state of TX that it would help if there was a DCG. BG Scantlin will be primarily concerned with the Northern Tier of Units and MG Timboe will concentrate on the Southern Units (Alamo Group, Valley, Houston, El Paso). BG Scantlin indicated that he is gathering a staff to assist him in the coordination and development of these units. He also indicated he will try to attend our monthly meetings.

  3. MG Timboe announced that COL Dennis Shingleton has been sworn in as Commander of the unit in the Ft Worth area.

  4. MG Timboe also announced that Pat Pratt will be moving into a job within MG Timboe's office of the Center for Public Health.

  5. TXSG Headquarters - We had several members from the state HQs attend our meeting as a matter to assist in communication and just to see how they can be of assistance to our unit.
    • COL Ray Peters (TXSG, C/S) indicated that they are in the process of doing some reorganization of the states 6 brigades. This effort is to locate them to best work with the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC/ TMR) units throughout the state.
    • He indicated that some of the missions of these units will change from less of an MP type thrust to more community support type efforts.
    • He discussed that they could become involved in supporting the effort of assisting in the National Stockpile distribution (this is being explored- LTC Robert Ferry was identified as our POC since he had attended training concerning the National Stockpile).
    • They are also exploring an Area Support Group concept to provide assistance if needed in Graves Registration, mass casualty assistance, and the possibility of Port Security.
    • He also supported flexibility in our TMR staffing process, to include the need to double and triple slot people as we get folks signed up.
    • COL Peters introduced CW4 Jimmy Null, the HQ SGS, and COL Charlie Miller, G3 in attendance.

  6. LTC Dave Stone, G1, indicated that they are putting a ìrecruiting teamî together and that LTC Ferry has volunteered to head up this effort. He also mentioned the need for individuals to become familiar with their chain of command and to utilize these for unit actions/ activities. (Note: Dave/ Pat- Please see if we can have as handouts for the 4/17 session a document that would reflect the ìchain of commandî and an update for calling rosters (Alert Roster)-coordinate with COL Jim Solomon).

  7. COL Jim Solomon provided the following updates:
    • Next drill is Saturday, 4/17, the BDLS (Basic Disaster Life Support) course will be presented for TMR members.
    • He reminded folks to check out the TMR website to find the unit's training calendar.
    • He identified volunteer opportunities with the American Red Cross (ARC) to support Fiesta San Antonio activities at the ARC Aid Stations.
    • He provided information on Operation Lone Star (7/26-8/5), the annual Guard Mission to provide real medical support at 3 locations along the Mexican Border. Volunteers from the TMR were encouraged to sign up, both clinical and administrative types could be used and they can sign up for small time segments of the entire period (2-3 days).
    • He mentioned that the TMR workgroup on the individual medical history/ risk assessment is making progress and input was being analyzed. This project is to assist the entire state guard to establish some form of medical risk assessment for all state guard volunteers. This project is being conducted in conjunction with the HQs of the TXSG.
    • The May drill will probably be an opportunity for members to become familiar with the concept of establishing ìmass immunizationsî centers, more details to follow.

  8. LTC Frank Stead, G4, identified the opportunity to receive a couple of truckloads of BDUs and Boots. He is exploring this opportunity and the required space to store these uniforms if we do accept them. The issue of American Flags (full color), shoulder patch, was discussed. HQ, TXSG has authorized all TXSG members to wear the flag on their BDUs. MG Timboe requested that the Center funds be utilized to purchase an initial stock of these for unit members.

  9. AMERICORPS administrators Dave Barrera and Che Gonzalez mentioned that they can continue to have refreshments for our monthly staff meetings, but contributions would be appreciated. They are also working on our TMR web page and brochure (a good recruiting tool). They are also ready to accept orders for individual business cards (50 cards/individual authorized) for TMR key staff and leaders, the G1 will provide direction (position listing of those authorized to get these). They will also start working on a newsletter for the TMR.

  10. COL Bauer, MD, Commander of the Alamo Group wants to support and encourage the effort to formalize ìrecruitingî members for the TMR. He also supported the need for unit Chaplains.

  11. MG Timboe mentioned the 4/7 TMR Information Brief and a visit by 3 Czechoslovakian Military physicians at that meeting and encouraged people to attend. COL Solomon will provide a briefing on Operation Lone Star at that information briefing.

  12. The next TMR staff meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 4, 0630. It is anticipated it will be held in the same location, Rm 255A, UTHSCSA, near the AMERICORPS offices.

Download .pdf of April 2004 minutes

TMR T-Shirt and Motto Contest Deadline Extended - The deadline for the TMR T-Shirt/Motto Contest has been extended to 16 May. If you are interested in submitting a design, please email SPC Stephanie Fosbenner at fosbenner@uthscsa.edu or mail/drop off the entry to UTHSCSA, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive RM 421.L/MED Bldg, San Antonio, TX 78229 (Attn: Stephanie Fosbenner). If you have questions, please call Stephanie at (210) 567-2991.


************************************************************************ **************************
Information in this edition of the TMR News & Notes electronic newsletter was assembled
by AmeriCorps staff members - Jeff Hengel, Technical Writing Specialist and Maria Person,
Communications Specialist.
************************************************************************ **************************




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